Grade 2

Grade 2 @ Mano

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Big Day Out  –  Swimming Program  –  Inquiry  –  Literacy  –  Numeracy  –  Social Emotional Learning  –  Library 

Big Day Out

The Big Day Out provides the Grade 2 Learning Community with an exciting start to Term 1! Students get to know their new classmates and teachers through a day of fun-filled activities, including – games, bubble wands, treasure hunts and a visit to a play centre during the day.

Swimming Program

In Term 4, the Prep – Grade 2 children take part in an intensive swimming program for five days at The Geelong College pool.  This valuable program helps to develop water safety, basic swimming strokes and survival techniques depending upon each individual child’s swimming level.


A Big Question is posed for Inquiry Learning topics. Students work through the areas of Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluation during their investigations. Skills are introduced and reinforced throughout the unit e.g. brainstorming, listing, labelling diagrams, reading information or interpreting data. At the end of every term students are involved in authentic action tasks which allows them to explore an interest of their own.


Students participate in daily Reading, Writing and Structured Literacy sessions, (at least 10 hours per week).

During Structured Literacy, students engage in a multi-sensory approach to learning phonemic awareness and phonics including, spelling rules, handwriting and practising spelling of irregular ‘red’ words. Students work in whole and small differentiated groups to develop and practise reading fluency and comprehension skills.  Each classroom features a classroom library for daily independent reading. During Writing sessions, students explore a variety of genres, planning and author’s techniques, to improve and publish their writing.


Students participate in daily Numeracy sessions. The content strands are: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability.  Students participate in open-ended tasks and Launch, Explore, Summarise lessons where students understand the mathematical concept being taught through a self-exploratory lesson. 

Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)

Student wellbeing is an integral part of every day. We dedicate sessions to support our students’ wellbeing in addition to consistent strategies and visuals in each of our classrooms. These include: Ready to Learn Scale, School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) Matrix, Weekly SWPBS and SEL sessions  and Lunchtime Activity Clubs.


Every Tuesday, Grade 2 students participate in a 30-minute Library session. Students have the opportunity to borrow a book for one week, from our school Library. While in the Library, a book is read to the students to foster a love of reading.