Grade 6

Grade 6 @ Mano


Our Grade 6 students participate in daily sessions focused on Reading, Writing, and Structured Literacy. Structured Literacy involves analysing spelling rules and morphology, along with weekly dictated sentences for testing comprehension. Reading sessions include whole and small group activities to enhance fluency, comprehension, and exploration of different text genres and author techniques. Independent reading and one-on-one conferences with teachers are regular practices. Our Grade 5/6 Hub features a library with diverse texts for both in-class and home reading, regularly updated based on student input. Each Grade 6 class visits the school library for a 30-minute weekly borrowing session, and students are expected to complete 20 minutes of Home Reading each night from Sunday-Thursday.


Our Writing sessions guide students through the writing process by generating ideas, planning, drafting, editing, revising, and publishing across various genres, enhancing their writing skills. The daily ‘Literacy Block’ interconnects Structured Literacy, Reading, and Writing. Technology integration is purposefully planned and Inquiry units also intersect with the Literacy program.


Senior students engage in daily Numeracy sessions covering Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. ‘Warm Ups’ reinforce previous learning, while independent goals and small group sessions address specific learning needs. Maths resources in Senior classrooms and the Senior Hub support hands-on experiences, and real-life problem-solving skills are emphasised. ‘Launch, Explore, Summarise’ sessions encourage open-ended problem-solving.


Our Inquiry focus changes termly, revolving around a ‘Big Question.’ Students progress through Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluation phases. Units span a two-year cycle covering Democracy, History, Digital Technology, Media Arts, Economics, and Geography. Students play a role in shaping Inquiry Units, promoting engagement. Teachers guide learning, leading to an ‘Authentic Action’ aligned with students’ passions, allowing creative representation of learning.


Student wellbeing is a daily and yearly priority. Regular dedicated lessons equip students with strategies for healthy behaviours and relationships, aligning with our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) program and school values of Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.

Buddy Program

The Buddy Program at Mano starts in Grade 4 and is part of the transition to Grade 5/6 for older students. Starting this program means that our new Prep students have a familiar face around the playground for 2 years.

Great Mano Hike

At the end of the year, all Grade 5/6 students go on the Great Mano Hike which starts at Bells Beach and ends at Torquay Beach. The Grade 5/6 students head off for a walk along the walking track, making various stops on the way to rest. Towards the end of the Great Mano Hike, students stop to have hot chips for lunch. This hike caps off the year nicely, having fun with friends and teachers. The hike is a great opportunity for the Grade 6 students to make one more lasting memory with their friends at Mano as they come to the end of their Primary School journey.

Photos: Bells Beach Hike

VHAP Extended Learning Course

Each term the Victorian High Ability’s Program (VHAP) offers a number of selected students a place on one of their extended learning courses. There are two courses that students can participate in including a Mathematics and Cryptography course as well as a Creative Writing course. These courses run once a week as a virtual class on Webex, which is run by high school teachers from Melbourne. In the Mathematics and Cryptography course, students learn how to solve BODMAS problems using different number bases and basic cyphers. In the Creative Writing class, students work to create a short story using an effective narrative voice. Students also learn about the history of writing and what the world would be like without it. This is a fabulous opportunity for students.

North Geelong Secondary College Advanced STEM Program

North Geelong Secondary College invites 2-3 students in Grade 5/6 from local schools to collaborate in an Advanced STEM program. Selected students participate in the program for a Semester, being challenged through projects that involve problem solving strategies. Some examples are learning how to use VR technology, coding Spheros and drones, designing/creating buildings and building a bridge to withstand the weight of a Sphero. Students showcase their learning to parents at the end of this program and build positive relationships with students from other schools.

(Photo: Earthquake proof building)

Grade 6 Cave Hill Creek Camp

Every year, Grade 6 students head to Cave Hill Creek for a 3 day/2 night camp. Students can challenge themselves and build resilience and try new experiences by doing lots of different activities. These include Crate Stack, Bush Booking, Low Rope Course, Giant’s Ladder, Bushwalking, Canoeing, Orienteering and Mountain Bike Riding. This is an exciting way to finish the last year of school.

(Picture of the Giant’s Ladder and Crates)

VSSS (Victorian State School Spectacular)

Every year many schools around Victoria, including Mano, participate in the Victorian State Schools Spectacular. Grade 5 and 6 students can audition at the start of the school year.  Participants can choose to either be involved in a solo performance or the mass dance team of 16 students and 2 backups. In the mass dance, students will practice 6-8 high energy dances with practices beginning in February and ending in September.  Rehearsals are held in the Multipurpose room at lunchtime once a week.

Over the course of three days students will perform in two morning shows and two afternoon shows at John Cain Arena where the performances are filmed and in December they are televised on Channel 7. 

Lightning Premierships & Grade 5/6 Sport

Grade 5/6 students participate in both Summer and Winter Lightning Premiership each year. Students get to put in preferences for their chosen sports and practice occurs during weekly ‘Grade 5/6 Sport’ sessions. Grade 5/6 students get to participate in an extra hour of planned physical activity on top of their weekly 1 hour PE lessons, this is called ‘Senior Sport’ and is often organised by the Student Leaders.

Summer Lightning Premiership sports include Volleyball/Volleystars, Basketball, Softball & Cricket. Winter Lightning Premiership sports include Soccer, AFL, Tee-Ball and Netball. These are fun days that everyone enjoys, with a focus on teamwork, participation and the Mano school values. If the team is successful at Lightning Premiership, they will advance through to the next round of Lightning Premiership, the District Sports Lightning Premierships. Here they compete against other regions and towns.

(Boys Softball)

(Girls Basketball)

Girls AFL Comp

Each year the Grade 5/6 Girls get to participate in a Girls only AFL football competition against other schools across the Geelong region.